
Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Terrific Tumahana Adventure Conduct

 Tumahana at the Christchurch town hall

On Monday the 29th of March Takitini went to the town hall on a bus, to watch the Tumahana Performance. Tumahana was a show about the creation story told by the people of the South Island tribe called Kai Tahu.

In the show, we saw a narrator in a purple suit who was telling us what was happening, on stage, there was a hanging hula hoop, silks and ropes. The actors were uses

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Following Adult Instructions


This is my work about following adult instructions, hope you enjoy it. (work in progress).

Friday, 12 March 2021

Theme song (America Cup)


Hi, today  I made a theme song for the America's Cup race that has been going on, I am still working on it but I will update the post when I finish... 
For this I used Songmaker!