
Monday, 24 May 2021


The Boy Who Cried Wolf:

I have been learning about fables. In The Boy Who Cried Wolf, I think that the boy is the villain because tricking and lying to the villagers. I also think that there was no hero because the sheep and the wolf are basically just side characters and the villagers were just getting tricked.

Here is The Boy Who Cried Wolf:

Who do you think the villain and hero are?


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Cybersmart Task

 Who is Copper?

Today we did some cybersmart about finding out about people, we had to find out who Cooper is. 

We got all this information from Cooper's blog.
REFLECTION: I think this was a good experience because this was the first time for some of us to do this.
Question: How else do you think I could get this info?

Wednesday, 12 May 2021



Sensational StepsWeb

StepsWeb is a programme that helps our learning in all areas of Literacy.
This is how much time I have spent on Steps so far this year.  You can also see what my accuracy levels are like:

REFLECTION: I think Stepsweb is a good learning tool for kids of all ages to learn more phonics, reading and comprehension. 

NEXT STEPS: I think I need to work on my phonics knowledge.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Being on Time.

Perfect Punctuality

This weeks value is Being on Time. I think this is important in lots of situations. We did an activity on why it is important to be on time and what will happen if we are late.

REFLECTION: I always struggle to get up early so I can get to school at the right time that I should.
QUESTION: How do you think I could wake at the right time?

Friday, 7 May 2021

Having fun and celebrating together.

 Having fun and celebrating together.

This weeks value is having fun and celebrating with others. So, like, when someone gets an award you celebrate with them instead of getting grumpy.

I love this value because I do that all the time when my friends get awards, I think this is a good value to practise because it is important to use to not have a negative mindset if you don't get an award, instead celebrating and having a positive mindset.

How do you think everyone can celebrate even when they don't get an award?

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Term 2 S.M.A.R.T goals

 This week we have been learning about S.M.A.R.T goals. S.M.A.R.T goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based.

S.M.A.R.T Goals Meaning


It was helpful for my learning to know what my next steps were. I like having a few good goals to reach for.
Do you have any suggestions about how I can achieve these goals?