
Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Lockdown Loudness

 Lockdown Music:

As a class, Whakamanawa has made a music slide that we all have access to so that we can add songs of our choice.


REFLECTION: I love all the songs on the slide and some of them are on my playlist.

QUESTION: What is your favourite song on this slide?

Basic Facts Learning

 Basic Facts:

For numeracy, we have been doing Prototec. We were given a template to use for our attempts at Prototec. This is mine:

REFLECTION: I think I did well on my prototec, and I will do more.

QUESTION: Have you ever tried to attempt Prototec?

Stepsweb Completion

 Stepsweb Is Complete!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have finished level six of Stepsweb and that means I have finished the game, but now I can go around and through all the levels and redo activities and do activities. Stepsweb is all about literacy and spelling etc. It helped me in lots of different ways.

StepsWeb - Online Literacy - Home | Facebook
Stepsweb Logo!

 REFLECTION: Stepsweb is very helpful but sometimes frustrating because sometimes levels and activities are really hard and you think you can not do it but as I just proclaimed we now know it is not impossible!

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like to know about Stepsweb?

Challenging Ourselves During Lockdown

 Challenges In Lockdown:

During the lockdown, I have been feeling bored as you would, so our amazing teacher Miss Waho gave us a template to fill in with ideas of how I can challenge myself. Oh yeah, and also it is our value of the week. 

REFLECTION: These are some risks for me personally, so it does not matter if you can not do these things.

QUESTION: What would you have put down for some risks you could take.

My Whare Tapa Wha

 Whare Tapa Wha Learning:

During the lockdown, my class has been learning about our whare tapa whā and the different sides/walls of the whare tapa whā. each side has a different meaning, we have been given a template to complete with a picture of the whare tapa whā and different things we have tried and how it made us feel:

REFLECTION: I think I did well and I will do more soon.

QUESTION: what have you tried to do for each side/wall?

Incredibox Inventions

 Incredibox Music:

Today I have been playing around with Incredibox and I have created two cool beats. The first one is the Heptagons playing Yellow-Mellow:

This next one is Techx playing Sunrise:

REFLECTION: I think these two bands and pieces of music are cool and creative. I spend a wee while on them finding the ones I liked!

QUESTION: Do you think these are cool?

Daffodil Day Voki

 Daffodil Day:

It was recently Daffodil day in NZ so our lovely teacher Miss Waho said we could make something for Daffodil Day, so I made a Voki about Daffodil Day:

REFLECTION: I think my Voki is cool because it has the truth in it, I actually have a friend that has cancer... It has not affected me as much as what you would think but it is still a sad thing.

QUESTION: Do you have anyone in your life with cancer?? I am okay if you do not want to talk about it.😀

Being Positive Online

 How To Be Positive Online:

For cybersmart, we have been learning about how to be positive online. Our teacher Miss Waho gave a blank template to work with to write out what we should and shouldn't be doing online;

REFLECTION: I think I might have not done enough for different ideas. But that is all I could think of...

QUESTION: What do you think I could add to this piece of work?

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Cake Creating

 Cake Baking

Today is my cat Beauty's birthday, so I decided to make a cake for her, even though she can not eat it. I made a vanilla cake with plain blue icing on top. I also put white edible glitter on the top because why not?
Here are the photos:

SOURCES: I used the utensils in my kitchen and my mum found a recipe on to use.

REFLECTION: I think my baking went well, this is the first cake that I have made and it was delicious!!😀 

QUESTION: Have you been doing any baking at home? 

Friday, 6 August 2021


Prototec Time

This term we are focusing on getting faster at recalling our basic facts.  We will be using Prototec to do this.  Here is my first attempt at Stage 5. 

Next time, I need to get better at recalling my division straight away.